00074: Allie Parker and Veronica Fairchild vs. Brandi Wine and Little Bit


MP4 | 125MB | 13:49 | 720×480


Allie Parker and Veronica Fairchild unite to take on Brandi Wine and Little Bit. The tag match features shocking developments as Parker leaves the ring after the match, leaving Fairchild to face an attack. The heels nearly break Fairchild’s leg in their attempt to end her wrestling career. (Introductions. Lockup. Armbsr. Side Headlock. Wristlock. Front facing side headlock. Front facing double armbar. Double teaming in the corner. Knee drops to arm. Stomping on the arm. Leg Drop to arm. Wristlock scissors. Sitting on the back of the chinlock. Arm scissors. Eye rake. Jawbreaker. Sleeperhold. Blatant choke. Full Nelson. Double armbar with foot in back. slamming knee into mat. choking on ropes. double teaming behind referees back. Finisher: Front facing headscissors. submission. Double teaming opponent after match.) The use of terms for holds and moves may vary.


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