01712: Miss Rachel vs. Autumn Mariee


MP4 | 148MB | 20:44 | 720×480


Miss Rachel tests Autumn Mariee to see if she has what it takes to become a wrestling superstar. This tough match lasts 20 minutes and showcases the fighting spirit of both ladies, with Autumn following in the footsteps of her mother, the Great Auburn Thunder. (Trash Talking. Lockup. Side Headlock exchanges. Wristlock exchanges. Blatant choke. Punch to midsection. Wrapping arm around ropes. Eye rake. Sliding dropkick low blow. Jumping face plant into mat. Knee breaker. Leg splitter. Leg Drop on leg. Body Slam. Choking on ropes. Standing on the chest. Bonzai. Big body splash in the corner. Back breaker. Bending back over knee. Jawbreaker. Finisher: Big body splash in corner. pin.) The use of terms for holds and moves may vary.


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