01341: Brian Rodgers vs. Judi Hendrix


MP4 | 86MB | 10:07 | 720×480


Ten minutes of tough intergender action unfolds as Judi Hendrix takes on Rough N Rugged Brian Rodgers, a top star in the Mid South area. (Introductions. Test of strength. Shoulder tackles. Two hands full of hair. Power slam. Choking on ropes. Elbow shots to midsection. Irish whip. Wrapping hair around ropes. Kicking the leg. Face claw. Fall away slam. Slingshot throat off ropes. Foot on throat. Big right hands. Shoulder thrusts into midsection. Running Bulldog into mat. Figure four. Hip Toss takedown. Knee plants back. Finisher: Figure four. submission.) The use of terms for holds and moves may vary.


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