00022: Little Bit vs. Fantasy


MP4 | 111MB | 15:18 | 720×480


Prepare for a hard-hitting battle between two of the toughest competitors in the wrestling world. This 15-minute match is packed with over seven piledrivers (including tombstones and sit-downs). An exceptional showcase of talent and resilience. (Introductions. Test of strength. Knee lifts to midsection. Bodyslam. Snap suplex. Jumping leg drop. Tombstone piledriver. Side Headlock. Single leg Boston crab. Boston crab. Piledriver. Power slam. Headscissors. Double arm scissors. Bodyscissors. Big right hands. Leg Drop off the corner. Camel clutch. Superplex off top rope. Finisher: Tombstone piledriver. pin.) The use of terms for holds and moves may vary.


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